Share Capital

The nominal amount of the share capital in Fluidra is equal to one hundred ninety-five million, six hundred twenty-nine thousand seventy euros (192,129,070€), represented by one hundred ninety-five million, six hundred twenty-nine thousand seventy euros (192,129,070€) shares, with a face value of one euro (1€) each, all from the same series and class, fully subscribed and paid up and offering the same voting and financial rights.

The shares of the Company are listed on the stock exchanges of Madrid and Barcelona and are included in the Spanish Stock Exchange Interconnection System (“Mercado Continuo”).

The changes in equity were as follows:

Date Event Share Capital Share Premium
03/10/2002 Initial Capital 90,302,932€ 35,547,146€
30/03/2006 Share Capital Increase 112,629,070€ 92,831,008€
02/07/2018 Share Capital Increase 195,629,070€ 1,148,591,008€
14/12/2022  Share Capital Reduction 192,129,070€  


Date Resulting number of shares Resulting nominal value per share Resulting share capital
03/10/2002 90,302,932 1€ 90,302,932€
30/03/2006 112,629,070 1€ 112,629,070€
02/07/2018 195,629,070 1€ 195,629,070€
14/12/2022 192,129,070 1€ 192,129,070€


Share issues

A copy of the Information Brochure  on the Public Subscription Offer of Fluidra, S.A., registered with the CNMV (Spanish Securities and Investments Board) on 11th October 2007, can be downloaded:

Prospectus on the initial Public Offering


Prospectus on the initial Public Offering

PDF 2,02 MB